TOUR 2024

ARCHEOLOGIES -JUEN 6th to 9th - SETE (34)

Les archeologies subjectives

Installations avce Delphine Jalabert et Nicolas Beck

Galerie Latelier – 29 rue Honoré Euzet – 34200 Séte

6 au 9 juin 16h-20h






(...) - June 19th to June 22nd - St Pierre sur Erve (53)

captation from 19th to 22nd

performance 20:00pm the 22nd







(...) - July 3rd to July 7th - Nantua (O1)

festival Woua’art, festival d’arts graphiques

captation from 3th to 6th

performance 6th at night and 7th 11 am







(...) - July 6th to July 13th - Chalon (71)

festival chalon dans la rue/selection off

captation from 6th to 10th

performance 10th to 13th







Carte blanche - August 1st to august 4th - Estagel (66)

festival jour de théâtre 

special perfomance with Julia brisset and Nicolas Beck the 1st

drawings during th ewhole festival







(...) - August 22nd to august 25th - Busca (I)

festival Mirabilia bicap

captation 22nd to 25th

performance the 25th







(...) - August 27th to september 1st - Cuneo (I)

festival Mirabilia bicap

captation 27th to the 1st

performance the 1st







(...) - October 7th to October 25th - Perpignan (66)

L’archipel, scène nationale

 3 places, 3 perfomances  the 11th, 18th and 25th







2024/25 TOUR FOR (...) is still in construction

th etour is still in constrcution, several places trough europe are expected/coming soon