parenthèse points parenthèse
whritten in black and white
“What remains of loneliness when no one is there to observe it? Being alone without a doubt, but not without a mirror, that is, not without the eye of another person which bases my desire for loneliness”
From The Paths to Philosophy, Adèle Van Reeth
For 3 days an artist (tight rope dancer and at the same time drawer) settles in a public space and trains there for several hours a day…he notes and draws what he hears what he is told, what he saw and observed and builds a kind of playful ethnology spontaneously, without any method. Gradually his drawings invade the space. On the 4th day, he proposes an appointment that mixes thread, words and texts captured…like the film of these few days and constructed live and in the relationship to the public, like the reconstructed link between an artist, a space…and what has been sorely lacking in recent months: the audience.
Scriptwriting, direction and performance
Sébastien Le Guen
Guy Périlhou
Héléne Garcia
Sound arrangements
Nicolas Beck
Caravan layout, scenography, construction
lonely circus, Grégory Cadet
italian: Alessandro Brizzio
Le sirque, PNC Nouvelle Aquitaine
Les scenes croisees, scene conventionnee de lozere
Archaos, PNC Provence Alpes Cotes d’azur
Musee Soulage and Amis du musee Soulage, Rodez
Cirq’ônflex, Dijon
French Ministry of culture/DRAC Occitanie, Regional council of Occitanie